Channel Letters Illuminated With LED Lights

channel letters led lights

Channel letters are three-dimensional fabricated sign faces lit from within with LED lighting to give them their characteristic glow. Commonly constructed of aluminum, their front may either feature translucent acrylic panels or remain open depending on your desired lighting effect.

SloanLED lighting products are often found in restaurants, as well as businesses open after dark. Their high-quality yet cost-effective LED illumination product makes an excellent channel letter sign lighting solution.


Illuminated channel letters are an attractive option for business owners seeking to enhance their branding. Not only are they long-lasting and require minimal upkeep, they also boast brighter lighting than other forms of signs, saving energy costs while being safer than neon lighting.

Illustrated channel letter signs come in various shapes and sizes. They’re commonly used to promote businesses on streets or malls, as well as indoors in storefront entrances or lobbies.

Durability of illuminated channel letters depends heavily on their environment, including temperature and humidity levels. Signs near water may experience corrosion caused by salt in the air. They may also fade with exposure to sunlight, shortening their lifespan further; this is especially true if an outdoor sign operates under high temperatures which cause bulbs to burn out faster.


Channel letters are internally illuminated three-dimensional letters/logos used as an effective form of advertising business. With various designs to meet any business’s branding requirements and energy-saving LED lighting that reduces electricity costs significantly, these channel letters have become a staple for business advertising.

Channel letters come in an assortment of finishes and letter sizes. Front or back lighting options may be employed and they are typically mounted onto a raceway; their backs often comprise aluminum or clear polycarbonate that can be tinted for an “halo” effect.

LED channel letter lighting consumes significantly lower voltage than neon and fluorescent lights, making them much more energy-efficient. Furthermore, they’re constructed with highly durable materials for extended longevity – ideal for businesses operating 24/7! Furthermore, their attractiveness increases visibility – perfect for shopping malls or larger companies.

Increases visibility

If you want your business to stand out among its competition, exterior signage that attracts passersby is key to drawing their attention. Channel letter signs are an effective way to do just that – they come in various sizes and shapes with lighting available for added visibility; additionally they’re more energy-efficient than neon or fluorescent lighting options!

Front-lit channel letters (or LED channel letters) are an increasingly popular type of sign. Featuring translucent acrylic faces with lights illuminating each character front to front to attract customers day or night, front-lit channel letters often use spacers to create a “halo” effect and draw maximum attention from passersby.

Front-lit signs are constructed by using router-cut aluminum in various thicknesses depending on the letter size, with its side panels called returns being bent using computerized bending machines before being drilled to form open channels that hold LEDs within each letter.


Channel letters are an excellent way to promote your business at night and attract more customers, driving sales. There are various shapes, colors, and sizes to fit with any brand – choose between illuminated LED or neon lighting! There are three main types of illuminated channel letter signs – Front-Lit, Open-Face and Back-Lit signs.

Front-lit channel letters are one of the most affordable forms of illuminated signage, featuring translucent acrylic faces that allow LED lights to illuminate them and display your company’s logo or other important messages.

Back-lit channels are more expensive but provide a dramatic look. Constructed of aluminum back with translucent acrylic face panels, backlit channels can be lit by either halo or solid-color LED lighting for dramatic results that stand out in retail stores and malls alike. Backlit channels make an excellent addition for retailers seeking to stand out from the crowd and achieve unique visuals.