Led Channel Letter Signs Are a Powerful Promotional Tool

Led channel letter signs can help your business attract potential customers and boost visibility; these low-cost signs provide a powerful marketing tool when used at nighttime to stand out from its competition. Front lit channel letters utilize LED lighting inserted directly into the base of each sign with acrylic faces to illuminate. They can be…

Channel Letters Illuminated With LED Lights

Channel letters are three-dimensional fabricated sign faces lit from within with LED lighting to give them their characteristic glow. Commonly constructed of aluminum, their front may either feature translucent acrylic panels or remain open depending on your desired lighting effect. SloanLED lighting products are often found in restaurants, as well as businesses open after dark.…

Channel Letter Signs and LED Lights

Channel letter signs are three-dimensional metal signs with illuminated LEDs to attract attention at night, often used in retail settings to promote specific brands or logos. These signs are made with aluminum faces and returns, which can be custom painted to suit any business branding. After being fitted with LED lights for a “halo” effect.…