Channel Letters Near Me

channel letters near me

Channel letters are illuminated signs designed to offer day and night visibility, making them an effective way to brand your business and increase exposure. Customizable to suit any business’ needs, they offer great opportunities to promote branding efforts while increasing visibility.

Front lit or standard channel letters typically feature aluminum backs and sides (known as returns) with acrylic faces that are cut into desired letter and number shapes using a computer-controlled router.


Channel letter signs are an effective way to promote your brand in a highly visible manner, drawing in both pedestrians and vehicular traffic alike. They’re easily customizable to meet the specific needs of your business and come in an assortment of fonts, styles and colors to make a truly bespoke sign that boosts branding while appealing directly to customers.

Illuminated or halo lit signs are designed to draw the eye of potential customers and customers of retail stores located in high traffic areas, restaurants and national chains alike. They’re perfect for retail shops looking to differentiate themselves from their competition and stand out in an otherwise dim environment.

Front lit channel letters are one of the most requested custom signs we make, featuring aluminum backs and sides (called returns ) with translucent acrylic faces for maximum visibility from both sides of the sign. We specialize in fabricating front lit channel letters.

Lighting Options

Channel letter signage is the ideal solution for commercial locations that need 24-hour visibility, drawing motorists and pedestrians alike with its illuminated design. Channel letters attract passersby at any hour of day thanks to their three dimensional shapes which attract their attention from motorists as well as passersby.

Based on your needs and wants, channel letter signs come in various types and designs – back-lit and halo-lit models both of which are typically made out of durable aluminum that’s weather-resistant and weatherproof – making them weather-resilient and weather-friendly for use outdoors. Furthermore, these types of signs can be custom built with various fonts and colors according to brand standards for optimal display.

Standard channel letters consist of an acrylic sheet face, aluminum returns and trim cap made out of aluminum; they’re then manufactured using automated routers, lasers or water jets using vector-based art files as the template.

Channel letters also come in face-lit signs, which use perforated vinyl on acrylic to produce dark colors during the day and white illumination at night. You can even combine both front and back illumination for an eye-catching display that draws people in at any time of day or night.

Installation Options

Channel letters are an excellent way to promote and identify businesses. Available both illuminated and non-illuminated versions, channel letters can come in various shapes and sizes with three dimensional qualities that ensure they can be seen under all weather conditions and at all times of the day.

Mounts for solar panels may either be mounted directly to the building or using a raceway system that reduces penetrations and houses all electrical wiring and power supplies. They can even be painted to match the color of your building for a seamless appearance that looks more natural.

Back-lit channel letter signs, also known as halo lit signs, feature neon or LED bulbs which reflect off walls to create an eye-catching and dramatic display. These types of signs are commonly found at high-end retail establishments as well as law firms, doctor’s offices and other commercial buildings.


Illuminated channel letters offer day and night visibility for your brand and invite customers to stop by, making a standout statement about your business in its community. Ideal for stores, restaurants or any other establishment seeking an outstanding presence.

There are various lighting options for illuminated signage available today, including LED, neon, and halo lighting systems. They can be mounted directly to walls, sign panels or raceways.

Channel letters feature an aluminum can frame that won’t rust, with back, sides, trim and an opaque or translucent face constructed out of various opaque or translucent materials depending on your preference. LED lighting illuminates its back for an “halo” effect; non-illuminated or reverse-lit channel letters may also be reverse lit for architectural effects – perfect for restaurants, bars and high profile retail stores where font size, style and color choices match their branding requirements.