LED Channel Letters For Your Business

LED Channel Letters offer an elegant and modern aesthetic while being easy to install and more cost-efficient than neon lighting solutions.

Front-Lit or Face Illuminated Channel Letters feature translucent acrylic faces, which allow light to shine through them and create an upscale appearance for any business. They come in multiple colors to meet all your branding needs and come with various illumination levels for maximum effect.

1. Easy to install

Lighting business signs is one of the most powerful tools for promoting your company and drawing in customers, yet can be costly. LED lighting offers energy efficiency while being less maintenance intensive making it a cost-effective solution.

LEDs are more cost-effective at lighting signs than neon tubes, resulting in much lower electricity usage – creating substantial bill savings over the life of their use. Plus, smaller transformers use far less power compared to neon-lit signs resulting in significant savings when it comes to monthly electrical bills.

LED technology also offers another benefit – weight reduction of signage – making installation and maintenance much simpler when dealing with large or multiple signs. Furthermore, improved manufacturing techniques allow manufacturers to produce signs with a more trimless look – particularly important when dealing with front-lit channel letters that use aluminum trim caps as mounting mechanisms.

2. Durable

Proper care of led channel signs will extend their lifespan significantly. This is thanks to using LED lights that have become known for their durability. Furthermore, LEDs emit very little heat compared to conventional bulbs, making it safer in public spaces while simultaneously decreasing risk of fire and providing easier management for business owners.

Costing depends on many variables, including size and style. Larger signs are easier for people to spot; however, more raw materials and power supplies may be required as well as longer raceways with additional installation points in walls.

LED face lit channel letters make an excellent storefront sign and add depth and dimension beyond flat cut or cast metal letters. Plus, these modern signage options can be easily designed to suit the look and style of any business! With such versatile signs available in an assortment of sizes and fonts that they can even be tailored specifically to match the image of the business in which they reside!

3. Energy efficient

LED channel letter signs utilize much less energy to illuminate than neon signs do, meaning your electric bill will significantly drop. Furthermore, since LEDs are up to 80% more energy-efficient than their neon counterparts you’ll also save on replacement costs and replacement expenses.

Fabricated LED signs offer another distinct advantage – durability. Made of aluminum, these signs are much more resistant to wear and tear than other forms of signage, providing extra peace of mind knowing your signage will remain protected against environmental factors. Additionally, its protective frame protects all electrical items and tubing encasing all essential electrical items within.

Dependent upon the nature of your sign, you may need to meet one or both of the sign lighting energy requirements set forth by SS130.0 or SS140.8. The former requires maximum wattage per square foot while SS140.8 specifies minimum control requirements and requires illumination using efficient sources.

4. Customizable

When selecting an LED channel sign for your business, there are numerous options to consider. Some feature illuminated faces while others can be lit from behind; both designs offer customization features such as colors, fonts and sizes to meet any business need. You may even decide on adding an optional trim cap.

Front lit or face channel letter signs are among the most widely-used types of signs, typically made out of translucent acrylic material that lights up to draw attention at any time of day or night.

Back-lit or reverse channel letters are made by welding together aluminum sheets into letters. After this has been done, these signs are painted and fitted with any necessary lighting components such as light-emitting diode (LED) modules or transformers for illumination.

Faux neon signs offer an economical solution for creating classic neon-like signs with the efficiency and safety of LEDs. Constructed using 1 inch thick acrylic with integrated LEDs, faux neons can be painted using standard colors or customized for brand specific shades or Pantone Matching Systems (PMS).