LED Channel Letter Signs

led channel letter signs

Illuminated channel letter signs offer an effective and visually appealing storefront signage option, boasting energy efficiency as well as customisation possibilities.

These signs are more noticeable and help raise brand recognition while drawing in new customers, yet can occasionally experience issues resulting in dimmed brightness levels.

Energy Efficiency

Channel letter signage offers numerous advantages that make it an attractive option for business owners. The lights used in these signs produce minimal heat, making them safer and more energy efficient than other signage types. Furthermore, their versatility allows businesses to add personalization features that set their sign apart.

Channel letter signage offers another advantage – easy installation. Drill holes in the facade or mount it on a raceway for a hassle-free setup and maintenance experience.

One of the most sought-after types of channel letters is front-lit signs, which utilize LED illumination to illuminate acrylic faces with LED illumination. Combination-lit signs utilize both front and back acrylic faces that allow light to pass through them; these signs can be ideal for businesses needing to be visible both day and night, creating neon looks while still offering many font sizes and font options.


LED Illuminated Channel Letters offer many advantages over neon illuminated signs in terms of durability and maintenance costs, providing better visibility than their neon counterparts and lasting longer than any neon sign ever could. Their light source also emits less radiation into the atmosphere making them ideal for businesses that wish to outshout competitors and ensure success.

Standard front-lit channel letter signs are among the most widely-used channel letter signs, typically constructed out of coiled aluminum with acrylic faces and trim caps fabricated from acrylic material. They may feature translucent or nontranslucent faces and colors can be customized to match your brand colors.

Trim caps typically feature standard aluminum colors; however, advanced manufacturing techniques allow for superior trimless finishes. A backer panel may be necessary to cover up power supply and wiring of face lit channel letter signs; however flush mounts have become increasingly popular as their sleek appearance requires no backer panel; power can be connected directly to building facade and less holes are required in facade.


Channel letter signs provide businesses with various customization options to find the ideal look and image for their business, attracting more customers while improving your brand image. Available in an array of finishes, sizes and lighting options – as well as being highly versatile and durable – channel letters are suitable for front lit, back lit and halo style layouts.

Front-lit channels illuminate from the face of a sign and are the most popular option, typically made of translucent acrylic or more colorful options that allow digitally printed images, gradients and logos. Back-lit channels feature an aluminum back that shines light against building walls to create a halo effect.

Open face (also referred to as exposed) channels leave the face of their sign open for neon illumination and are an attractive solution for businesses needing an eye-catching night presence. They can be custom designed with faces, perforated returns and other special features to further boost visibility.


Channel letter signs are one of the most eye-catching sign types, drawing customers’ attention day and night with illuminated letters that create an impactful brand identity for your company.

Your options for illuminating led channel letter signage include front-lit or standard channel letters with lighting that shines through a translucent face made from aluminum and painted to match your brand colors, or back-lit versions known as reverse lit letters that provide illumination from behind and give an “halo” effect.

Neon tubes bring back fond memories of pool rooms, bars and arcades for many; however, signage industry professionals have long since abandoned this form of illumination for LEDs which provide equal bright lighting with much lower maintenance needs and can save them money over time.