Channel Letters for Sale

channel letters for sale

Channel letters create brand statements for businesses. From front-lit signs that promote an upbeat image, to halo-lit signs that exude professionalism, these sign components can make your business stand out from competitors.

Sign pieces made with this technique typically consist of a base and plastic-molded face that are connected by a raceway for easy mounting on walls, lit using LED modules or neon tubing, and mounted using raceway to reduce wall penetrations.


Channel letter signage stands out during the day while providing light at night – perfect for businesses that want to set themselves apart from competitors. Channel letters can be utilized in numerous places from storefronts and mall entrances to business headquarters and office spaces.

These signs are typically constructed out of stainless steel or aluminum and hand painted to meet your brand standards. LED strips may also be installed for night illumination; for a softer glow effect, halo lighting could also be utilized.

Face of Sign Fabricated with Acrylic or Polycarbonate. A trim cap holds it securely in place to reduce wind vibration or breakage and is available in various colors; better fabrication methods now allow for trimless appearances to provide more professional, consistent signage.


Channel letter signs are one of the most durable business sign options, being resistant to severe weather conditions without incurring damage and being much easier to repair than neon signs. Aluminum, which most signs are constructed out of, is also very flexible and can easily be bent or shaped into various designs to meet any desired aesthetic requirements.

Front-lit channel letters are among the most widely used styles of channel letter signs, typically constructed using acrylic and vinyl faces that let light through, giving each character its classic appearance. Backs and sides are constructed from aluminum for optimal durability.

Halo-lit channel letters offer another popular option, constructed of solid aluminum faces welded to aluminum returns and illuminated internally with LED lights to create the “halo” effect. This style is popular with restaurants and retail centers. A trimless version with a cleaner appearance than its traditional trim cap version may also be an option.


Channel letter signs are an elegant solution to make your business stand out from competitors, displaying three-dimensional metal or plastic letters illuminated internally by LED lights and featuring various color options. Achieve visibility among competitors is easy with carefully-crafted channel letter signs!

These signs are typically employed in commercial and public buildings, malls, retail storefronts and corporate lobbies. They come in various sizes and shapes to meet varying applications and can even be combined with monument or pylon signs to create more elaborate displays.

Selecting font and colors that complement your client’s branding is paramount to creating the desired aesthetic of a sign. While trim cap is commonly used to secure acrylic faces in place, our advanced manufacturing techniques now enable us to fabricate signs with no trim cap visible at all – using minimal or zero screws and rivets wherever possible to produce an eye-catching result that won’t rattle or vibrate during use.


Channel letters are three-dimensional objects constructed out of metal (aluminum or stainless steel), plastic or other fabricated materials designed to display brand messages. Depending on their use they can either be illuminated or non-illuminated and provide an effective marketing tool which often becomes one of the most visible signs on a building.

A typical front-lit or standard channel letter sign consists of an aluminum pan enclosure in the shape of a letter and fitted with translucent acrylic or polycarbonate faces held in place with trim caps; however, advanced manufacturing technologies now enable fabrication of trimless edges for even cleaner edges.

After placing the letter base onto an installation surface, a plastic molded cover snaps over it for safety and protection. A raceway, commonly referred to as wireway, should then be placed behind it for holding power supplies and wiring without leaving multiple holes in walls; once all wiring tests pass successfully then lighting components can be added.