Channel Letter Manufacturer

Channel letters are an integral component of three-dimensional graphic signs, often used in displays for advertising or promotion. Available in many colors and illumination options, channel letters typically feature acrylic sheets cut using CNC routers or acrylic cutting machines on their faces to form each letter’s form.

Returns, or sides, of letters create the depth of signs-typically 3-8 inches-and can either be welded or preformed for easy installation.


Channel letter signs are three-dimensional alphanumeric symbols used indoors or outdoors to communicate your brand’s message. Available in various fonts and colors, you can personalize these signs to fit the specific needs of your business. Plus, illuminated channel letter signs increase visibility while simultaneously increasing impact; most companies prefer LED illumination which is more energy efficient than neon.

Channel letters typically feature exterior-grade translucent acrylic faces that can be printed directly upon or have clear vinyl overlays applied for customisation. Their trim caps, which join back into their respective faces, come in standard colors or can even be painted to your specifications for an unique appearance.

Channel letters are created by using router-cut aluminum sheeting of various thicknesses as their backer material. When illuminated, you have two mounting options for illuminated signage – raceway mount or direct mount (both hiding wires and power sources behind facade), respectively. Direct mount allows direct attachment of sign to building via non-corrosive fasteners.


Channel letter signage consists of 3D alphanumeric symbols that can be utilized indoors or outdoors, both illuminated and non-illuminated. Channel letter signs help businesses distinguish themselves from their competition within shopping centers, streets and malls while simultaneously drawing in new customers during night or poor weather conditions.

Back of Sign Consists of Router Cut Aluminum Sheeting that Can be Manufactured in various thicknesses depending on letter sizes. Rear returns, formed from bent aluminum sheets are then fastened to the aluminum back to form a can or “letter can.” Acrylic faces can then be custom painted in your choice of colors before being attached to this can.

Channel letter illumination typically relies on LED lighting, which outlives and outperforms neon. Illuminated letters are most effective during nighttime when drawing passers-by’s attention; however, lit signs may not always be approved under local signage guidelines and lease agreements.


Channel letter signs offer 24-hour client awareness, drawing customers in at all hours of day or night. Ideal for restaurants, theaters, clubs, coffee shops and convenience stores as well as any retail establishments of any kind – they also work great as outdoor advertisements!

Illuminated channel letters are frequently required by landlords and local zoning regulations in commercial buildings. They can either be front lit or reverse lit, front/backlit (halo illuminated) or non-illuminated.

Letters are constructed from router-cut aluminum sheeting and painted using either standard colors or brand specific shades such as PMS. Their backs consist of coils of aluminum strip, known as returns, that are then bent using computer-driven bending machines until their desired shapes have been reached. A trim cap holds each plexiglass or acrylic sign face in place providing a clean edge solution; channel letters can either be directly/flush mounted to walls or placed on an elongated metal track known as raceways which house power supplies and wiring for illumination – this reduces building penetrations required for mounting.


Backlit channel letter signs make your business visible at night or in poor weather and draw passersby into your storefront or business premises. They are ideal for theaters, comedy clubs, restaurants, convenience stores and gas stations among many others.

Face lit channel letters feature aluminum sides and front surfaces which have been coated with acrylic for an eye-catching custom look. Also referred to as cabinet signs, pan signs, open face lit signs or front-lit signs, this form of sign makes for a versatile option in signage installations.

Illuminated channel letters are attached to four-sided rectangular panels (raceways) which house their lighting components and wiring. They can be mounted flush against walls for flush mounting or directly mounted onto building facades. Another mounting option includes backer panels which are larger than the sign and housed behind facades or bulkheads – these may provide cost-effective solutions for businesses; we specialize in designing and fabricating these backer panels using various materials that complement or create your business branding or even stand alone designs.