Bronx: So the Yankees retired yet another number. Paul O’Neill’s number 21 jersey will never be worn again. O’Neill was a gritty player who played on a team of retired numbers that belonged to Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, Andy Pettit, Bernie Williams and Mariano Rivera. Let’s not forget the superstar hired guns: Roger Clemens, Alex Rodriguez, Darryl Strawberry, Wade Boggs, David Cone and David Wells.
Graig Nettles is the only captain who is not on the wall. And why not? Because he wrote a book about the Yankees after he left for San Diego? Are we not putting these numbers up because of on-field performance? Nettles did not play on a team of superstars. He did not do damage to the Yankees brand and tarnish those championships by using steroids like number 46 Andy Pettit.
Nettles was on a team that desperately needed a championship because the one superstar, number 44 Reggie Jackson, was a very disruptive force in the locker room. Nettles played 10 years with the Yankees and had two world championships. Jackson was only there for five years. His number being retired is definitely debatable.
There are two number 8s retired, one for Bill Dickey and one for Yogi Berra. Another number 9 should go up on the wall of retired numbers before any other number is to follow. Thomas O’Connor
Astoria: In the last month, we lost three icons in sports and TV: Bill Russell, a Boston Celtics legend and civil rights activist; then there was Vince Scully, a legend in baseball announcing who called some great sports moments; and finally, Nichelle Nichols, Lt. Uhura on “Star Trek,” a trailblazer who paved the way for many to come. You will all be missed. K.J. Hanfy
Scranton, Pa.: Like a flurry of fly balls filling the sky over Williamsport, Pa., there is a deluge of support and well wishes for the 12-year-old lad who fell from his bunk bed and suffered a fractured skull that left him unable to play in the Little League World Series. His injuries were so severe that his short life nearly ended, but after regaining consciousness a week later, he asked if he could still play. Sadly, he was told he would be sidelined for the entire series. No wonder there are such love resonations for the Utah youth with the fiery competitive spirit — and that unscrambling the letters in “love resonations” spells out his name: Easton Oliverson. Don’t give up, kid. There just may be a big league World Series in your future. Vin Morabito
Bronx: My aunt passed away recently. She would have been 100 today. Happy birthday in heaven, Aunt Toby. Marsha Kolin
Sunnyside: There was a recent article in the Daily News about an NYPD lieutenant who is being investigated for allegedly using steroids (“Veteran NYPD Lt. suspended over steroids,” Aug. 17). Before anyone makes any rush to judgment, we must all remember that Lt. Apollo Story has dedicated his life to protecting innocent people from being victims of crime, and has always maintained an excellent relationship with the public. All of this must be taken into consideration before anyone jumps to any conclusions. John Francis Fox
Oakland Gardens: What a disgrace that you chose not to report the death of a political figure who made a significant impact on New York politics because he doesn’t fit your progressive leftist agenda! Mike Long, former chairman of the New York State Conservative Party, passed away on July 24 at age 82. He was instrumental in electing Gov. George Pataki in 1994 by handily defeating three-term governor Mario Cuomo and also in electing Al D’Amato to the U.S. Senate. Mike was a tireless worker in promoting the conservative cause. I was privileged to know him and work with him in 1962 in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn, to gather signatures to put the party on the ballot. It was a labor of love and the best time of my life! After serving for 30 years as chairman, Mike finally retired to enjoy his wonderful family. He was a man of impeccable character. Constance Calcott Dowd
Bronx: I have a lot of respect for Mike Pence for not being one of Donald Trump’s puppets. I also have a lot of respect for the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump after what he did on Jan. 6, 2021. I admire Liz Cheney, and even though I’m a Democrat, I would vote for her if she ever ran for president. Liz is top dog in my book. There’s no way that Trump the clown should be back in the White House in 2024. He is so full of bullcrap that I can smell it from my house. Doris Festante
Beechhurst: During her self-martyrdom-filled concession speech following her crushing primary defeat by her Trump-endorsed opponent, Liz Cheney had the chutzpah to compare herself to Abraham Lincoln. That’s on par with Joe Biden imagining himself as the second coming of FDR. Cheney shot herself in the foot, not with her over-the-top rhetoric about how the Great Disrupter (Donald Trump) is a danger to our democracy, but with her hyperventilating reference to the Republican Party as being “very sick.” Nary a word from Dizzy Lizzy about this very sick Democratic Party, which is transitioning ever closer to an American Marxist party. That’s the real threat to the last best hope of earth, and Wyoming Republicans showed they get that. James Hyland
Bronx: Please note that Liz Cheney won the two counties in Wyoming with the highest levels of education by huge margins. Donald Trump told his minions that he loves the uneducated, and the uneducated morons cheered. Richie Nagan
Staten Island: Voicer James Coffey’s opinion is that Liz Cheney lost the primary in Wyoming because she went against the wishes of her constituents, who believed in the Big Lie. She knew full well it might — and did — end her position in Congress. He classifies her as “dishonorable.” I classify her as honorable and courageous. Cheney put country over politics. Remember her words: “Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.” Liz Cheney is a fearless woman and a profile in courage. The likes of those who turn a blind eye to the American carnage on democracy caused by Trump and who will be forever remembered by their quest for power no matter the cost will go down in history as profiles in shame. Michele Corelli
Whitestone: There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. Sally DeFelice
Whiting, N.J.: Thank you, Voicer David DiBello, for saying so much more succinctly than me what I have been writing for months in my unpublished submissions. Keep writing. Judy Bevan
Manhattan: As we ask for God’s blessing, let us know that New Jersey is being called to the carpet for wrongdoing, especially southern Jersey. Gabriel admonishes. Let us pray — pray harder and practice additional acts of charity at this time. Joseph P. Natoli Jr.
Brooklyn: Shame on you, NYC mayor and governor, for not thinking about saving the 9/11 Tribute Museum. This is an important part of history — a tragic history where many people lost their lives, including police officers, firemen and many other innocent people. People are still dying from 9/11 toxic exposure. This is not only an important part of NYC history but the nation’s. Instead of giving money to other parts of your budget, think about what truly matters when it comes to something that should be kept alive. Joseph Comperchio
Coram, L.I.: What’s going on? A while back, the coast was clear and much of the virus had gone away. Lo and behold, word comes that it’s back and so are the masks. Could it be because of the thousands of illegal immigrants (oops — undocumented) that were flown out at night to various cities, including Yonkers? Does anyone care? Helen E. Purdes
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