By David Dearing

Special to the Laguna Woods Globe

It’s been a dozen years since rock music invaded Laguna Woods Village.

In 2010, The Village Midiots struck the first chords, and there has been an evolution and a proliferation of rock bands since. One band, the Woods Combo, added a new element to classic rock standards.

In this first of a two-part article on rock music in the Village, we begin with The Village Midiots, the band that may have started it all.

  • David Dearing was the front-man for The Village Midiots, a...

    David Dearing was the front-man for The Village Midiots, a band that started back in 2010. In a two-part series, he writes about the evolution of rock music in Laguna Woods.
    (Courtesy photo)

  • A reconfiguration of the Village Midiots of Laguna Woods in...

    A reconfiguration of the Village Midiots of Laguna Woods in 2015, with David Anderman, left, David Dearing, Pamela Waizenegger, Bill Farinacci and Mark Hochberg.
    (Courtesy photo)

  • The Woods Combo brought a jazz and R&B twist to...

    The Woods Combo brought a jazz and R&B twist to rock songs when it was formed in 2017. In 2019, the band members were bass player Dutch Fisser, singer Moqui Lund, keyboardist Mark Hochberg and drummer Bill Hemberger.
    (Courtesy photo)

  • Moqui Lund sings with the Woods Combo at the Laguna...

    Moqui Lund sings with the Woods Combo at the Laguna Woodstock festival on Saturday, Sept. 18.
    (Photo by Mark Rabinowitch)

  • The Dutch of Fiz joined the evolution of rock in...

    The Dutch of Fiz joined the evolution of rock in Laguna Woods Village in 2017 and became a regular at Boomers Club socials.
    Here, Jeff Sinclair, left, Bill Hemberger and Dutch Fisser play at Laguna Woodstock in 2018.
    (Courtesy photo)

  • Dressed for the part, drummer Bill Hemberger plays with Dutch...

    Dressed for the part, drummer Bill Hemberger plays with Dutch of Fiz at Laguna Woodstock in 2018.
    (Courtesy photo)

  • Rock of Ages was formed in 2017, but lead singer...

    Rock of Ages was formed in 2017, but lead singer Jeff Sinclair, center, just recently joined the band. Flanking Sinclair are Lyle Sanders and Mark Hardy at left and Ron Gagnon and Bob Mazzola at right.
    (Courtesy photo)

  • Rock of Ages, with Lyle Sanders, left, Mark Hardy and...

    Rock of Ages, with Lyle Sanders, left, Mark Hardy and Jeff Sinclair at Laguna Woodstock in 2019. Sanders is in high demand in Laguna Woods: He plays regularly in four Village band.
    (Courtesy photo)

  • The Village Midiots of Laguna Woods rehearse for a concert...

    The Village Midiots of Laguna Woods rehearse for a concert at the Clubhouse 1 gazebo in 2012. From left are David Anderman, David Dearing, Linda Nearing, Bill Farinacci. The band was founded in 2010 and was the first rock band to form in the Village.
    (Courtesy photo)



The Village Midiots

I was in a show for Theatre Guild called “From Aquarius to Woodstock,” co-written by John Perak, Sheila Bialka and me. Most of the music was recorded, but I sang two Rolling Stones songs.

Several days later, Linda Nearing asked me if I would like to be in a rock band as she knew two guitar players and she dabbled in percussion. “Of course!” I replied, and The Village Midiots were off and rocking.

We were The Midiots because we performed to midi files, sort of a glorified karaoke. David Anderman, who is indeed a rocket scientist, was our lead guitar player and arranger, and  provided the accompaniment. Bill Farinacci played rhythm guitar, and we all sang.

After four years we added the incomparable Mark Hochberg on keyboard and Pamela Waizenegger, who brought her wonderful voice and creative imagination to the band. The addition of Mark and Pamela changed the dialogue from “You guys are getting better” to “You guys are really good!”

We performed for several years in the clubhouses, the Village Games closing ceremonies, the grand opening of Clubhouse 2, and several times at the Boomers’ Laguna Woodstock.

Our final gig came in 2018. It took place where we opened our career, the gazebo at Clubhouse 1.

I never knew I could sing until I was 13 and was asked to join our church choir. I realized what a pleasure singing was and loved to don my choir robe.

Fast forward 25 years to when I was teaching high school English and theater in upstate New York. I performed musical theater with my students and then started acting and singing with our community theater.

Fast forward to 2006 when my wife, Susan, and I moved to Laguna Woods so she could be with her mother.

In my golden years of retirement, I wanted to get involved in theater. But I never dreamed that life would prove so interesting.

The Woods Combo

The Woods Combo, founded in 2017, is another band that has played at Laguna Woodstock. The Combo brought a jazz and rhythm and blues twist to many rock and popular hits.

Drummer Bill Hemberger recently spoke about how The Woods Combo was created, and Dutch Fisser’s and Mark Hochberg’s names came up.

“Dutch, Mark and I were playing as a trio, and Moqui Lund would come up and sing with us. When she was asked if she wanted to be part of the band, her immediate answer was, ‘Yes!’”

Moqui has spent her whole life making a living with her music, she told me. She once sang jingles for several well-known multinational corporations.

A highlight of her illustrious career was backing Grammy-winning artist Deneice Williams. Touring with Williams took Moqui all over the world, and she sometimes was on the road for weeks.

I asked Bill and Mark if they had wanted to make music their career.

Bill’s reply: “I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be a professional musician. So after high school, following my father’s advice, I traveled with a band playing gigs in upstate New York. After about a year of that, I decided to go to college to study radio and broadcasting. It proved to be a good decision.”

Mark, who started playing piano at age 5, had a similar response. “I wanted a pension and all those other benefits our parents had hoped for us, so as a morning person, a career as a professional keyboard player was not for me.”

Eventually, Dutch decided to take his music in a different direction and moved on to focus on his own band, The Dutch of Fiz.

Fortunately, Alan Levin was available to play bass for The Woods Combo. He comes from a musical family and has been a musician most of his life. He is currently professor for the Emeritus string band class. He especially loves to sing and play music with his son.

The Dutch of Fiz

The Dutch of Fiz joined the evolution of rock in the Village in 2017.

Dutch Fisser is the band’s bass player. He was born in the Netherlands and emigrated to the U.S. at 17. He was trained as an electrician and spent much of his life earning a living in the field. He tired of that line of work and became a flight-instructor pilot. The events on 9/11 slowed that down so he returned to work as an electrician.

I recently asked him, “Dutch, did you ever want to become a rock star?”

He replied: “I thought about it. When I was in fourth grade in Holland, my teacher, Mr. Dongen, asked me if I wanted to perform in front of the class, so I did. All the girls said you will have so many girls when you get older.”

“How did that work out?” I asked.

“Quite well. I’ve been playing music ever since.”

The Dutch of Fiz became a regular at Boomers socials, providing a great rock beat for dancers.

Dutch’s favorite gig: “Playing for the Baby Boomers Woodstock in 2018.”

There is a cadre of musicians in the Village who know each other’s musical talents. So when The Nomads needed a bass player, Dutch became a stalwart member of that band as well.

Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages, formed in 2017, became a Boomers favorite, playing at several Boomer functions, including many times at Laguna Woodstock. The band features Lyle Sanders on lead guitar and vocals.

Lyle’s musical skills are in high demand in the Village. He plays in four bands: The Dutch of Fiz, Rock of Ages, Band X and The Nomads.

“I guess no matter which band was chosen for Boomers Woodstock 2022, I would be playing,” he said.

I asked him how he felt about being in four bands. He chuckled and said, “It keeps me very, very busy.”

Did he ever want to be a rock star? He chuckled again and said, “Yeh, when I was 18, and that was 50 years ago!”

In his pre-Village days, Lyle served his community by delivering the mail.

Ron Gagnon keeps Rock of Ages in time with his steady beat on the drums. I asked him how he got started in music.

To my surprise, he said, “When I was 15, I played in bars, and the idea of rocking to strippers was something I had to get used to, but I did.”

Ron’s favorite venue in the Village is Clubhouse 5. Because of its size, it’s great for dancing. He wanted to share how grateful he and the band are for the loyal following of ROA fans: “When we see all those people out there dancing, we feel really good.”

Rock of Ages guitar player and vocalist Mark Hardy first held a guitar at age 10, when his neighbor taught him how to play a C chord. As a teenager, Mark played in a band that performed at the Pomona County Fair. Thirty-five years ago he played with a band called Foolish Pleasure.

I asked him how he got hooked up with Rock of Ages.

“While with the OC Blues Players  I met Lyle,” he said. “We just clicked. A few months later, Ron called me and asked me to interview for a guitar and singer opening.”

It turned out they were all “a great fit,” he said.

Mark especially enjoys playing in the Village. “I love Laguna Woods. I love the audiences, and I love rocking at Boomers Woodstock.”

Bass player Bob Mazzola, who hails from Queens, New York, began playing music at age 16. While playing with the band Third Rail Connection at Queens College, he was offered a recording contract with Buddha Records.

It was a tough decision, but Bob decided to stay in school, where he earned degrees in math and radiology. He did not give up music, however, and rocks at every opportunity.

The latest rocker to join Rock of Ages is Jeff Sinclair. Jeff has sung with many bands in the Village, beginning with The Dutch of Fiz.

What are a couple of his favorite songs to sing?

“Paint It Black,” by the Rolling Stones, and “Ain’t No Sunshine,” by Bill Withers, he answered immediately.

Part 2 of rock in the Village features The RetroFits Band, Band X and The Nomads.

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