LED Lights For Channel Letters

led lights for channel letters

Channel letter signs are an effective way of drawing passersby’s attention at night. Constructed with translucent acrylic faces and illuminated from within by lights placed within, channel letter signs offer an eye-catching way of getting people’s attention at a distance.

LED strip channels come in various colors and sizes, so it is crucial that you understand their differences so as to purchase the appropriate products.


Channel letter signs can be an excellent way to promote your business. With their sleek modern appearance and ability to catch passersby’s eyes at night, channel letter LED signs offer great advertising possibilities. In addition to being brighter than traditional neon signs and using less electricity overall than neon counterparts – helping lower monthly power bills significantly! However, certain considerations must be kept in mind when purchasing channel letter signs.

One of the primary challenges associated with LED strip channels is light distribution. Unfortunately, these lights may produce bright spots that aren’t evenly spread out across their surface area. To address this problem, many manufacturers provide modules with optics to redirect light from its native beam angle back onto its intended path.

These modules come in different shapes and sizes to fit various letters. Constructed of anodized aluminum, these modules typically include light diffusers, end caps, mounting brackets, as well as wiring. Some manufacturers also provide modules without LEDs and wiring for customers looking to supply their own LEDs.


Channel letters can help your store increase visibility after dark. Not only are they energy efficient and more effective than neon signs, they can be tailored specifically to meet your business needs while costing significantly less than fluorescent bulbs and being more durable than other forms of signage.

The lifespan of illuminated channels depends on their location and LED bulb selection, with outdoor signs subjected to salt air corrosion and sun rays quickly degrading due to sun rays that fade colors or drain illumination, often necessitating replacement sooner than those placed indoors.

LED lights outlive fluorescent bulbs due to their solid-state design, with no filament and lower voltage requirements than fluorescent tubes and no mercury content – making them easier and safer to handle as well as more eco-friendly than neon.

Energy Efficiency

LED modules consume significantly less electricity than fluorescent and neon lighting sources, making them an eco-friendly solution for businesses that need to increase visibility. Furthermore, these lighting modules produce significantly less heat emissions – further decreasing fire risks while improving safety measures.

However, illuminated channel letters must be regularly maintained in order to preserve their lifespan and extend their useful life. Damage caused by harsh weather conditions near beaches such as salt air can accelerate material degradation while high temperatures and direct sunlight can dismantle LED lights over time.

One effective strategy for keeping the illumination on a fabricated sign bright is using light diffusing acrylic. This material diffuses LED strip brightness over a larger area, making it easier to achieve brighter illumination in your sign. Another approach involves routing thin channels in light diffusing acrylic and silicone-coating them afterwards – SloanLED’s V180 series and ILT’s Sideview series both utilize this strategy.


Illuminated channel letter signs draw more attention after dark than their unlit counterparts, acting as an effective advertising medium and drawing customers. Illuminated letter signs can be found adorning restaurants as well as bars, breweries, and convenience stores that remain open after hours.

Illuminated signage can be subject to environmental factors that can drastically reduce its lifespan, such as salt air that accelerates deterioration. Furthermore, sun light may fade the colors on some materials or cause sun damage; but all factors need to be taken into account for optimal longevity of illuminated signs.

LED bulbs may also be affected by cold temperatures. This leads to what is known as “luminous decay”, in which brightness of a sign gradually declines over time and requires replacement bulbs – something LEDs are much better at withstanding weather extremes and everyday handling than neon tubes can.