Orange community shaken by shooting that killed 4

Shock and concern are echoing around Orange on Thursday, April 1, following a shooting that killed four.

“That part of Orange is really, really safe,” said Mike Alvarez, a former councilman who represented the area where police say a man shot six people – including a child – at an office complex on West Lincoln Avenue early Wednesday evening.

The immediate area includes a single-family neighborhood, a townhome development and gas stations on two corners of the major intersection of Lincoln and Glassell Street.

At midday Thursday, yellow tape cordoned off half the block around the office building, and a police command vehicle and four Orange County Sheriff’s crime scene investigation vans were parked out front. Media trucks filled one of the gas station lots and cameras were set up just outside the tape.

“Everybody’s talking about (the shooting),” said Raj Singh, owner of Orange Tree Liquor on the southeast corner. “Everybody’s so scared. It’s never happened in this area.”

Orange resident George Ltona, who was waiting for a bus across the street, agreed the incident was a shock, adding, “The area’s quiet.”

Just north on Glassell at Olive Park, Richard R., who declined to give his last name, was pushing his granddaughter on the swings. He said he lives about a block away and rode his bike by the scene Thursday morning because he couldn’t help his curiosity.

“I just said to myself, I’m so sick to my stomach” with all the recent news of shootings around the country, he said.

Orange police said at a Thursday morning news conference that the shooting wasn’t random and the man knew all the victims, either personally or professionally, but that wasn’t much comfort to Richard.

“Whether he knew the people or not, there’s a loss of four lives, and it’s just sickening.”

Councilwoman Arianna Barrios expressed similar feelings in a statement Thursday, calling the latest news about the shooting “horrifying and sickening.”

“I am grateful to our Orange police officers for the quick response and believe their actions in all likelihood prevented additional lives from being lost,” Barrios said.

“Orange is a strong, resilient community,” she said. “The victims, their families and all who have been touched by this monstrous act of violence can depend on us to stand with them in this terrible time.”

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