LED Channel Lettering

led channel lettering

Channel letter signs are an ideal way to establish brand recognition and differentiate yourself from your competition. They’re also highly durable and require minimal upkeep – an investment that will pay dividends over time.

GE’s Tetra LED lighting products provide bright, uniform, and reliable channel letter lighting solutions to countless businesses across multiple industries. These innovative solutions help maintain impressive illumination across signs using just one string instead of needing two in the past.


Channel lettering is an economical, high-impact way to convey your business name or logo to customers. These illuminated signs are highly visible from a distance and attract new business even after sundown has set. Available in various shapes and sizes to meet the specific needs of any business, typically using LEDs to illuminate these signs with aluminum sides called returns joined together by translucent acrylic faces held together with trim cap creating a “can” shape sign.

Your signage could face environmental conditions that threaten its longevity, such as salt air. Exposure to high heat may cause materials such as polycarbonate to disintegrate rapidly; weatherproofed anodized aluminum and polycarbonate are top choices; adding trim cap will also add strength. To maximize signage durability, choose materials which withstand weathering and UV rays – anodized aluminum is excellent; trim cap is another essential part of its long-term functionality.

Energy Efficiency

Channel letter signage relies heavily on luminous uniformity as an essential performance factor, meaning every individual LED strip should emit equal levels of illumination. Most often this is achieved using diffusers which block or lower light points; however, in certain projects space may limit accommodating an LED module fitted with one.

Channel letter signs are usually composed of flat sheet metal – typically aluminum – that has been bent using computerized bending machines to form their backsides. From there, returns are bent into place to house lighting components and transformers.

A channel letter sign comprises an illuminated acrylic facing, plastic trim cap and the letter can that houses LED modules and transformers. The can is often painted to match its letter face while clear or matte back covering may provide additional weatherproofing protection.

Environmentally Friendly

LED channel letters offer businesses that operate after hours an eco-friendly solution for drawing attention at night. Ideal for restaurants, hotels and bars that operate after-hours.

LED bulbs consume far less electricity than neon tubes, leading to lower operating costs and utility bills for your company. With their small transformer and high efficiency features, these signs will also help minimize carbon emissions while increasing visibility for increased business visibility.

LED channel letter signs offer professional appearances with sleek designs and come in various font styles and colors to meet branding guidelines. Their versatility enables businesses to design unique signs that stand out from their competition and establish themselves as leaders within their industries.

Captivating Appearance

Channel letter signs boast three-dimensional presence that attracts motorists passing by, as well as illuminated edges that draw customers even in low lighting conditions. Their combination of three dimensionality and illumination makes them one of the most eye-catching signs available to businesses today.

Channel letters are front-lit with translucent faces displaying neon tubes or LED modules for illumination, usually mounted directly to a wall or raceway and featuring standard colors as well as custom Pantone match systems to meet branding and aesthetic requirements.

The back is made of aluminum and routed into character shapes before being wrapped with an aluminum coil sheet called return. An acrylic face is attached with trim cap for finishing touches; these faces may also be left open for a retro or halo effect.