Legal claim blames Rialto paramedics who refused to enter care facility for patient’s death

The daughter of a man who died of cardiac arrest after Rialto paramedics refused to enter a care facility where he was a patient has filed a $100 million wrongful death claim against the Fire Department. Bridgette Angulo alleges in her claim, filed Jan. 27 with the city, that the paramedics’ failure to immediately enter…

Kristian Winfield: Ben Simmons is the ace in the Nets’ back pocket … if he ever gets healthy enough to be played

The Nets are a championship contender whether or not Ben Simmons plays a game this season. And as of now it remains unclear whether the star forward will actually play a game this season, since his back started bothering him weeks ago. The ambiguity of Simmons’ future availability, however, makes him a wild card on…